29 October 2019

R.I.P. Robert Evans 1930 - 2019

Chinatown's producer, the legendary, notorious and iconic Robert Evans, passed away on Saturday, October 26 at his Woodland home in Los Angeles. He was 89.

Ali MacGraw, Evans' wife from 1969 to 1972, has said:
Our son Joshua and I will miss Bob tremendously and we are so very proud of his enormous contribution to the film industry. He will be remembered as a giant.
Countless others have been sharing their admiration, reminiscences and condolences since Robert Evans' passing was officially announced on Monday, too many to list, so here it's probably most appropriate just to go with Robert Towne's statement, as quoted in Variety:
The thing that I remember very vividly, and I think it would make him happy. We were in his living room. He was on one sofa and I was on the other. We’d been on the stage working with Jerry Goldsmith and some of the musicians on Chinatown. We’d been at it all night long and by then it was around four in the morning and it was tough because we didn’t know how much time we’d have with it. I said something about it, expressing something about hoping it’d be all right. And all I remember is Evans sitting there, turning to me and saying, “Fuck it. I just want it to be good.”
And I thought, that’s really from the heart, that’s all he really wanted. When push came to shove, he didn’t care about the publicity or the deadline or anything. ‘Fuck it. I just want it to be good.’ It was said with such feeling. And it coincided with what I wanted too.
He was wonderful and infuriating and I loved him very much.
This site's biography of Robert Evans can be found here.

(NOTE - May 23, 2020: Out of respect to the late Robert Evans, this post has been altered in response to a somewhat heartbreaking article covering his final days, written by Sam Wasson and published in L.A. Magazine on May 8, 2020. The article can be found here.)

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